What is FATA?

What is FATA?
Basically it's FA (fundamental analysis) and TA (technical analysis) combined. Thus, this is essentially an investment/trading workshop. To me, the difference between investing and trading, is essentially the time frame you looking at. Investment is generally looking at years in which profits may not be visible at all for a number of years. Whereas trading is more for a short-term, be it intra-day to a couple of weeks.

As such, my workshop aims to educate people on the fundamentals of buying a company stock, be it for investment or trading on news, as well as TA based on charts to determine possible entry and exit points.

Disclaimer: The aim of the workshop is to help participants make informed and educated decisions when it comes to investing. It does not aim to sell you a "trading system" which guarantees money will be made right from the start. However, it should have the effect of reducing losses made based on poor decisions from punting as well as hopefully, ultimately reaping rewards in the long run.

*Do note that the workshops are not conducted free and a nominal fee is being collected.
The price of the workshop may vary in future based on popularity.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Pure FA workshop covered on 24th Jan

This was the contents covered on the first ever pure FA workshop.
I had scheduled for 2hours but it was such a good discussion, we took 3hours instead.

1)      Economic outlook/situation

2)      Group Structure and Business model

3)      Financial health of the company

4)      Understanding corporate announcements

5)      Correlation within similar industries

6)      Shell Companies & SGX Watchlist companies

7)      Case Study: Privatizations and offers

8)      Q&A
Ultimately, what's important is that all attendees learnt from it and hopefully will use the knowledge to be better investors / traders.

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